30 June 2013


As much as I would love to blame the heat and the humidity, and complain about it, I don't see a point. There are many out there already doing so and I am okay with that. Unless they start bitching and complaining about it when I'm at work, which is annoying. That's why I hide in the backroom as much as possible, getting away from all those people.

It's a nice day, high humidity because of clouds circling the area, and might I add only 103 degrees Fahrenheit. (They say it was suppose to get up to 113, I doubt it)  Then there is a soft breeze in the air.

It is quite hard to think clearly right now with nothing more than a box fan to cool me off, and a nice warm shower.

The reason why I have been updating this blog is to try and do something on a frequent basis. I usually start a project and never finish it, except for my book that I created with my own two hands. The one I hand sewn together, actually I created more than one now. I've created four all together. I create one for a specific reason, then another for another reason, then another. I need to create one more for more reasons.

What I am currently working on:
  • Writing my ideas down on paper so I can create a book. Maybe for others to read. I'm not quite sure if I like people reading my thoughts. Specially those kind of thoughts.
  • Creating a glass tree. I like the idea of playing with broken glass, sharp metal, and fire. Sweet.
  • Sewing together a new book for reasons. As stated prior.
  • Learning bass so I can become a famous rock star. (This one is a delusion. Delusions are fun.)
  • Finding someone who is willing to rent a room at the house for very cheap. I'm not in it for the money, I just need help paying the bills.
  • Figuring out how to make a cartoon. I can animate butterflies, but I can't draw.
  • Read new books to learn new words.
  • Make up words for fun.
  • Creating some new poems and short stories. I haven't created a short story in a few months. I am lacking on that one. So I started it up again, but my view seems different than the others.
  • Gain all the achievements on that Xbox game. Maybe later, I am tired of playing video games. It's beginning to feel like the same type of games over and over again. Can no one come up with a very unique idea that will gain my interest and support. PlayStation is upsetting too, same with Wii and all that good stuff.
  • Finally, help a friend out who's been a little depressed lately. This one I've actually been working on for a while now. I understand what he's going through. When I went a year without work or school I was, I hated myself. His boss fired him for something he posted on Facebook not even relating to the work itself and now his boss is going around telling everyone he made terrorist threats so it's hard for him to get a job. Illegal for an old employer to do in this state, yes, but it's not like he could just find a lawyer. They're not cheap, I know, wasted three months pay on one because of personal issues.
Oh, and I am still trying to figure out all about how to use this blog. I don't play well with computer programs or electronics. I'm surprised this blog has lasted this long. Normally I get all embarrassed by my ranting, but because now I know no one reads this crap, I feel better.

29 June 2013

Day Something or Other

So I've been typing and retyping and such at my computer and every few words I get this sensation that I have to write it out. so I do, then I type it out. Life was much easier when I could just write and fill a few notebooks of words without problems. I find myself needing my glasses more and more and hating the computer system of which I type on. I miss real paper sometimes.

Work has given me the opportunity to work part time, well not the opportunity, more like forced to work part time, so now I'm going to try for management since I no longer can finish my college degree, and since all I have is that job, might as well move up, get more money and such. Actually have money for things I could do like fix my car, build a garage, and I'll have time to finish my book.

I counted it out, I pay about 4,000$ in gas a year, which is not so bad considering I could be wasting a lot more. My car gets nice gas mileage for it's year, around 34 miles to the gallon for a '95. I have and am unable to change how gas works in a vehicle. Seriously. it's all magic to me. Now door panels I can handle.

Question, how is it that may car gets almost the same gas mileage as those newer cars that have been coming out? I thought that the whole point for making newer vehicles was to make the gas consumption rate less in order to save the environment. I am so tired.

27 June 2013


I sometimes bitch and complain about my job but I am glad I have one. Recently, I have been in contact with some of my friends, both from high school and college. Most don't have jobs now. One of my friends use to have a job but quit his job because his wife wanted them to move to a new state. They never moved and now he can't find a new job. One friend exited college with a bachelors degree and now can't find a job anywhere because no one is hiring for his degree. I have another friend who is using someone because she can't find a job so she's using him for money. Though I admit she could do a lot worse than him. Most of the people I knew are currently on welfare.

I know I'm not making a lot of money, or even in my dream job, but at least I have something. That and now that I'm not going to college anymore, I might as well go for management position. Just need to get my testing done and then learn how to count and do things. I can count, I just need to be trained how to count. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of commitment.

09 June 2013

Now what

Well, I did make it, I just don't care for it. The website thing.

I have gone back to my writings, and I am currently in the process of trying to make my tree.

07 June 2013

a new web site

Well, I have come to the conclusion that I need to make a website. Not a blog but an actual website. Now, I make way below the poverty level and I can't afford a website, I can't even afford a house, just an empty plot of land to build on. Anyways, Just need to find something that will allow me to build a website for free and then later add stuff on that I would like, such as maybe possibly being able to add some pages to a fictional book I am writing just to  let others read it and say "hey that sucks, what the hell is wrong with this person?"

Yeah I'm doing this while I'm going around online looking for a web, and I already have one as well. Wow. And now I have one. Maybe I can change it and make it different just for my own use. Once the editor thing comes up and lets me use it. That's all for now until maybe tomorrow after work or before.

03 June 2013

A while

So I haven't posted anything in a few weeks or so. I would like to say I was way too busy doing something massively important but, however, I was just playing video games on my time off. I should really get back to writing but I just want to get away from everything into something different for a while. Trying to get the last few remaining achievements on my xbox for this game. Even know I'm playing the game. I just want to do something else for now.