20 September 2013


I am so close to being finished with just the animation part of this art project. I am so tired of creating each individual frame, which is much easier now than before I went to visit Danniel, which I'm not even sure I am spelling his name out right. I have also been walking around recording random sounds and such for it for now.

I have not painted in a year. I have been writing a lot more than before though. Actually, if I can get through this commercial thing, I may be able to do more animations because now, it's like there are not so many restrictions. If I can just get through the last four pieces to this, I'll be happy. It's just getting boring now. Good part is, as I draw, I can add or change anything I want at that point in time. I don't need to follow a strict story-line, I can even change the color any time I want. I don't care. Amazing.

Anyways, like I was explaining or wasn't explaining, I am doing this because I have free time. I don't go out drinking or doing drugs or having sex with tons of random different people so I do something else. I will admit, however, the thing does look so much better when I do have a few drinks.

11 September 2013

Saying it

I'm noticing a lot more sex in music videos. It's nice and all, but what about the violence, the blood, the gore. I want more violent ones. And some of those music videos with sex and sexual content within them don't make any sense as to the lyrics of the song. Well, in a weird and twisted sense it does, but it doesn't.   More violence! More please, now. Thank you.

I have one, maybe a sexual scene where violence happens because some one came in and killed them because in actuality that man was married to the woman who was cheating on him with another man, or woman. Or, maybe after the violence then comes the sex. I don't know. just more violence. And I want some sad songs, the type that make me cry or want to cry. I want to see a really sad music video, more of those too. Maybe add all three factors.

Nothing to report......

09 September 2013

Well now

Public places include many different settings. Settings in which many different conversations should not take place, even though common sense would play a factor in it by stopping some from speaking as such. Unfortunately, some people just don't understand that people hear certain things, and people tend to repeat these little conversations and such.

Yes, some people would claim that a conversation, being heard all the way clear across the store (small store mind you) that it was a private conversation. Such as a woman who was telling her four year old that cigarettes are good right at the sales counter, then when you say "what?" she would say "this is a private conversation". This would not be a private conversation in my opinion, specially in a public place, saying it loud enough for people around to hear and for the cameras as well.

I especially love it when a teen asks their parent to buy them alcohol then when I deny it, they start to argue with me because apparently, I'm not legally allowed to deny them alcohol because they are the ones buying it.

Off tomorrow, going to do basically nothing, wake up at 4am, going to, okay, well since it's been a while, here's a picture:

I call it Crap, just crap. Amazing.

06 September 2013

2 years and 2 months

I have been working at my current job for 2 years and four months. I've had vacation days of nearly 8 days all together and a personal day, which they made into my day off so it didn't really count. I have never called in sick, though I have tried once and they said no and I even get called in when people call out sick, or I work extra hours on days I already work even if they don't call out sick and expect me to just stay there extra and do whatever they ask. I like my job at times and other time I hate it. I get yelled at by people constantly. I got accused of stealing money by some guy I just met today, he says I did this to him on many occasions and yelled at me for two minutes. I think that certain people, think us women all look the same.

So, to explain as to the reason why I haven't finished that project is simple. I working. I no longer go to school but I work. I thought, when they said my hours would be cut, they would be cut. Not split up amongst 7 days a week. soon I shall be full time at 5 days a week, but even then I may end up working more days a week and more than I am suppose to. That is why I gave myself 5 months, since the end of July, to complete it. I am hoping that I can make that deadline not that I will be up at 3am and will get home around 3pm very soon. So hopefully I will have a few hours after 3pm to work on the project which, if my hours did get cut, would have taken only a month to complete because of how crappy the drawing and the animation is. Thank you and good night.

05 September 2013


Yet another post about stuff. Well, still a few months left and already I've completed several scenes, like 2 or 3, for that thing I was or will put up online. Ever since that animation was posted, I found how easy it was to post random crap on youtube so might as well show it off. nothing else to report.

03 September 2013


I'm tired, my feet hurt, I'm hungry. I have no clue what else to do right now. Purchased my first 36-pack ever, not for me though, for some one else.

I have nothing much to add except, thank god there's rain. Haven't had it rain like that in years, which is why it was so bad. Rained five minutes, turned the road into a river, deep river, left about a foot of mud. Awesome. And it's still raining, even better.

Oh, got some more done on that crappy thing I was creating and will maybe get done by December, if not, at least I can put up what I have and say "Yay done". and act like it's done when it's really not.

Anyways, only complaining because I feel like if everyone else can, I can too. I think I got a good complaint. Those darn people who create ups got rid of those large cups. You know, like those 54ounce and 64ounce cups for soda. What the hell man! I want my extra ounces of soda, why punish me for others fault in drinking too much and stuff? Oh, and I want my doughnut back. You know, that kind with that coconut on it, well it was more like a bread pastry, a flat bread with cream and coconut shavings on top. Which technically it was a health food, but they got rid of it in the store out here. Those bastards. And I want all these people, well around 60% of these people, all those who moved out here in the past four years since they made the highway a four lane allowing people to come here. AND, I want those large thing of nachos back, they made it smaller and kept the price the same, so basically I pay four dollars for a small amount of chips. I don't even drink soda, I drink the iced tea, but still. And I only get the nachos for the cheese sauce and jalapeƱos, I Love my cheese. But that bread pastry, I have not gone back to that store since they stopped making it. Those bastards!

We should riot and get our 64ounce cups back. I mean there are riots for some of the stupidest things now a days, why not about cups. Bring back out 64s!!!