09 August 2014

upsetting day

Day was going fine, until the last 30 minutes of my shift when one of my employees decided to not listen to a word I have said, then argues with me, telling me off, using the "F-word". No, I don't mean once, I mean he said it every other word was "Fuck this" and "that fucking bullshit" and "It's fucked up".

He has been with the company for nearly three weeks now. Has told us that he hates people, hates people. Yes, doubled. He refuses to do the coolers because it is "too cold" and he refuses to move anything to get to any items needed to stock. He hates bringing things out of the back room to stock shelves. He says he's the only one who does anything. He has lied several times to me and the higher management. I am an assistant, anyways; All I did was let him know that the daily checklist, the one he signs, says the job duties he is suppose to do, which is what the note said to read because he has apparently "never seen no fucking daily checklist" even though it says the name right on it when he signs it. I swear, I'm near the point of taking him out back and beating his ass. Luckily I only deal with him once a week. Luckily within a few weeks his ass is gone. I'm pissed.

That was how my day was ruined.

Well now, I have continued on with a different book rather than my real book because I like funny things that make no sense, so.... Prepare for something you will not be able to understand, if I do that one instead of the other one, or the other one than that. Okay, several books started, one will make it through. P.S. new cartoon coming soon. Maybe. lol...