09 September 2013

Well now

Public places include many different settings. Settings in which many different conversations should not take place, even though common sense would play a factor in it by stopping some from speaking as such. Unfortunately, some people just don't understand that people hear certain things, and people tend to repeat these little conversations and such.

Yes, some people would claim that a conversation, being heard all the way clear across the store (small store mind you) that it was a private conversation. Such as a woman who was telling her four year old that cigarettes are good right at the sales counter, then when you say "what?" she would say "this is a private conversation". This would not be a private conversation in my opinion, specially in a public place, saying it loud enough for people around to hear and for the cameras as well.

I especially love it when a teen asks their parent to buy them alcohol then when I deny it, they start to argue with me because apparently, I'm not legally allowed to deny them alcohol because they are the ones buying it.

Off tomorrow, going to do basically nothing, wake up at 4am, going to, okay, well since it's been a while, here's a picture:

I call it Crap, just crap. Amazing.

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