Currently setting up a recording, well, a half-assed cheaply made, recording studio. Those "do-it yourself" ideas look easy enough. Just nee some foam or egg cartons or something. Yes, the first few true recordings will sound, umm, shitty. Kind of like that bass that played during "Caca Doodle Do on Me VI" But only because the technology we have sucks... or it could be the bass guitarist sucks. Either way, just trying to do it and having fun versus trying to do it, have no money left over for food, and sound shitty hating ourselves for it being as is, would suck more. The idea of being happy, having fun trying something different, and being able to eat every day is awesome.
Anyways, currently creating a cheaply made studio in order to be able to record crap that no one will like, in the process of trying to develop a way for the guitarist to play, because the guitarist sucks, and the bass is a little bit better though still sucks. no news yet on if or when a drummer will come, a pianist, or any other musically talented (in their own pathetic mind) will come into play.
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