27 December 2015


Update: got nothing done due to an extreme game time with an xbox one. Will explain more if I can later on. Promising more detail and more words no one will read.

14 December 2015

dating profile online

I am woman seeking man

I am 26

I am looking for someone who understands that I will quit smoking and drinking for the right person. Someone who has a job and understands that I have a hectic work schedule. Someone who understands that when I say "I have an idea" it means I have an idea that needs to be done and not something like I'll go off and fuck someone else... No.. What I say is what I mean. Who understands that I will try something and if it doesn't work I will try it again as long as you are there to tell me how stupid I am being. Someone who can tell me the truth without shame and laugh with later.

Ethnicity I do not care

Age depends on what I  think

Someone who will play a video game and say "I need help with this achievement"... I will help if I am there...

Who is will this be?

04 December 2015

not slutty enough

I was always told, when growing up, " dress for the job you want, not the job you have." so I dress in suits and "higher class" attire because I want to be a big shot lawyer or something other than a manager of a gas station, writer for a local magazine, and a part-time accountant for a pawn shop. ( yes three jobs to keep me satisfied) Now I was told I cannot find a man because of the way I dress. I know a lot of men want skanky women and very few (who have no job) want someone who dressed successfully but why do I have to change? Why can't I find someone who has their own job who liked successful women?

Enough hitching... Now, my usb became corrupt. I still have my next book but my main work is locked away. Once I figure out how to squire my work I will continue with it but for now I am nearly done with my next book. I just wish I can work on my other one. One in which I am actually proud of and not one that I can laugh at and not care aboit.

 Thank you and good night. 🌙. Yay emote

05 November 2015


Been having issues with internet, phone, computers... Generally a lot but I was able to.... Well no one really cares and I don't either at the moment... At work and sick....  Ty and good night.

08 October 2015

butterfly fini

New vid..
 Will try and create more often than whenever I an lucid enough to remember to make one.

07 October 2015


I have learned a few things since I have turned a year older... Pizza rolls suck and all fruit is still tastiest of all... Secondly, being drunk does not work when making ananimation though it is still filled with much more fun. Thank you and good night.

05 October 2015

birthday today... huh

So far I colored my hair, went to the bar that only has three patrons.... Made a spaceship using my software.... More updates on Twitter of you like to know more.

04 October 2015

provisions and what not

Provisions: whiskey, cigarettes, gum, energy drinks

 Staying home watching red vesrses blue and playing halo online

 People showing up to Yay me drunk for my birthday... Awesome.... Thankyou..

1 day early and working on animation but as long as I do Not have to pay for drinks... It's awesome..

3.5 hours

In three and a half hours I will be on vacation... I currently have several simple animations to introduce to the world once the edit is complete and hopefully a preview of the "big" animation I have yet to start working on. So about 200 hours, if I do Not sleep or eat or anything else but the animation, of animation carp. As soon as work is over. So excited, I mean maybe I'll to out for a drink or two... Maybe binge a little... But I will work on something.

02 October 2015


So, in a few days I will be on vacation from work and will start with working on the 3D software once more now that is no longer above 100 degrees and my computer will not overheat.... So, anyways alien spaceship or something like that.

I have been doing concept art to try and see how to create it into the 3D software... Here is a spaceship I draw in nearly a while minute...

Yeah, it looked better in my head.

01 October 2015

blog post

I shall answer your question... Yes I do live under a rock only because it's cheaper than a real house...

Anyways... Been working on the big 3D project creating items for it... So far I have concept drawings of what I want except for the weapon... Each time I draw one, it keeps turning into a concept picture of an older rifle.

27 September 2015

terranova -- FMQ

So, Got drunk, she showed up ready to record, after a few shots got her to talk. Added a random picture slide thing for it... Have fun trying to hear her. Anyways, back to the moon...

butterfly 2

I've got nothing now that, after I am off work, I find I forgot to press the post button...

26 September 2015


A friend of mine, at one point when we were younger, was terrified of butterflies. I do not think he is any more, but everytime I see a buttfly I think of him... Sidenote: he would always get an errection when he heard the word 'constitution'... Not sure of he still does... Should find out one day.

25 September 2015

an older pc

Got to fix an older pc... By that I mean 5 years old. I loved it. Easy... Meaning... I got to so something I was extremely prepared for rather than that new technology that is out today. I even have her a few new fairy pictures, since she loved fairies, because I appreciate the older technology... I love her old leather casing and her fairy protection added on top of that.... I am planingto add an extra flare to her case. Just remember, if your older computer is broken, I will add extra with no cost because older is almost always better. 😁

20 September 2015


I understand that hybrids may be the future, but a man who does not like my car is a pussy... My other car is a 92 Lincoln Executive with a V8 but don't talk shit about her on our first date and I'll take you for a spin with a happy ending if you know what I mean. Still not sure of I want companionship or just sex... Either way I feel deprived.

spiders yay

So I find this spider at the gas station. I start talking to it and then decide I want to save it from being killed... Half way through, as I finally got it into a cup, I think "it could be dangerous..." so I let go of the cup as it climbs out where my hand was. I thought it was pretty. I'm still an idiot. I like it. It was all soft and fuzzy by the way.

16 September 2015

after work

So some may not understand, but after work I play xbox, eat crappy food and maybe try out my guitar skills alone at home finally.

Some do not understand. Being away from home for 16 hours a day up to 7 days a week sometimes makes you miss being alone and doing nothing at all... Even if it is for a few hours before a crash only to wake up to the next portion. 

14 September 2015


Got off work. I had to teach a class about counting and our new slogan created by Canadians. Durring which I had a volunteer come up and add some numbers together to come up with a sum before our expected earnings per hour...  Bs of you want the truth... Anyways, she dropped the marker and I thought of this... Lol... The guys up stairs loved it.

Normally I would say no to them asking me to teach new managers, but because of my pay raise, still under What those new employees will get, I said sure why not... There better be fresh fruit next time instead of candy and cookies. I don't eat those... All I had was water from a sink since they had soda to offer. Another thing I do Not indulge in. 

Had a meeting at a Budweiser place. Would have been great of they gave is some beer... Would have made it fun.

13 September 2015

energy i can smoke

So I will not post a picture of random crap today but I will say my next book is near complete and "SHOT DRUNK TALES" number two is in the making. I hate when I see something and need to express a need to feats it in words. Anyways. Now for the random picture:

Energy I can smoke. Yay!

11 September 2015

sweet mold

Ever went to work wishing you had a hazmat suit? Many places have an A rating but what people don't see is something I do in many stores I work in.

All the shelves look like this... I hate it.

10 September 2015

06 September 2015

i should care more

People look at me weird when I find markers and get excited... I laughed heavily. I should care that I am at work but I don't.

05 September 2015

wasting gb

Still trying to figure out how to waste the gb of data on this phone for this month. Not use to being able to waste things like this. At the rate I am going I'll only use 2 or 3 gb by the time I need to pay for more. Anyways, working on my books and have been looking into getting a real website with a better name than the one I came up with seven years ago. This one sucks.

With that announcement, I have been trying to make a comic like thing on my lunch time. I call it "Work In Progress"

04 September 2015

sevice dogs

I can pay 59$ to get my dog her full tags to be a service animal on the honor system. Yay. I get emotionally destressed around stupid people and cannot find any emotional relief with someone my own speicies so I need it.. Yay...

03 September 2015


So I get bored easily at work and decided to try my hand at drawing random things on sticky notes. I started to draw a penis but that seemed weird with my coworker looking over my shoulder. Instead it's a bird... Lol

30 August 2015


So I finally got a new phone. :) and I will be using it more often to post things like sticky notes and drawings and what ever pictures I want and laugh at. I do it for the gyffaws.

27 August 2015

a comic to soon come

I have decided to try and do a comic like post, maybe several times a month if luck prevails... So coming soon a comic about crap like every other comic known online. Oh, and the new book will be out shortly,just need to finish the edits. Thank you and good night

26 July 2015

a little for now

A quick summary of what has occurred since last update: So my best friend ditched me for a whore, then again I have done it to him before as well so it's cool, as long as we can still talk. Finished the second draft of my next book. Did not create a video game, a song, or an animation. Did not get the trailer, and am down nearly two-thousand for a car for my mom that originally only should have been five- hundred. Not to mention any names, but some jerk let's say took it out and did some damage to a perfectly good car.,

13 July 2015

cat for president

Okay, so when I saw this on the news I laughed about it, for nearly three days and then some. Then I saw the mystery machine, yes the one with shaggy, and I laughed for a lot longer.

Anyways, I wrote a new book, or rather a portion of one because of the cat thing that I hope to publish within a few months. I hope to get more books out a year rather than one every year.

 Back to laughter, I was told that a guy loves my books. He liked the first one, though explained that there were certain errors to it but he understood it being my first book and all. He could not stop laughing when he read my second one, nor could his mother. I love to make people feel emotions, especially laughter, so my next book I publish will hopefully make people laugh the whole time and not just the same jokes over and over so. If anyone reads this, try reading my second book, you'll have a laugh, hopefully, because we need more laughter in life. I am certain laughter will make someone live a long life... Oh and so will extreme hatred like with my racist asshole grandpa I have. He makes me laugh from what he says, then he gets pissed off and may live an extra day because of it. Lol, seriously, listen to a racist sometime, some of the shit that comes out is hilarious. I don't know what, it just is. Anyways....

Thank you and good night.

08 July 2015


So I need to start posting something to keep people's eyes on my shitty posts other than just names. For instance, I will soon start publishing random pictures hopefully to form stories in it. Secondly, someone from nearly fifty miles away liked my book. My first one. More on the way, yes. Fuck you. Then my twitter, more on the way helpfully to tell you people off. No more trying to be funny or whatever. Thank you and good night....

03 July 2015


So, a tad bit about myself...
I played the clarinet in elementary school. I loved it. I learned so much about wood wind instruments, mostly because we had to learn about wood wind instruments since it was less complex than the others. By junior high my father sold my clarinet for his own passion, drugs. Instead of going into band I ended up in acting, which taught me how to act in real world situations. In high school I was ins acting, but also took most art and literary classes as extracurriculars, and finally psychology.
In college, I did get my degrees in other majors, but I still preferred art, literature, and music. In college I was finally able to gain my music back.
Now, my clarinet is old and I only have one reed that is cracked, but by god I am still playing. So, the music I have gained, with no vocals, I can add in clarinet if I so choose. I am happy. Yes, this update just came to me since my last update. I mean the music and not all the other stuff. So hopefully, woodwind instruments will be on the next portion or something. Thank you and so on.

a little hot

It has been several years since it has been this hot out here and my computer overheated and did a forced shut down. I know my laptops will end up doing the same and even this tablet worries me to use it too long, so most things I have been working on may need to be put on hold for the time. I will work on it, just a much smaller amount of time as before. By the way, two full characters have been created. Some other things as well. Thank you and good night.

22 June 2015


I forgot how hard it was to be Gothic, or I am no longer a goth and have to have time to make myself into one. Took nearly an hour to make it work, and the nails make it hard to type... I like being some one who doesn't care, but I needed some software and he likes goths...

Anyways... Created my first character and my "I'm better than you" stance, have a second character for my next video if I can ever finish the damn thing. Even got the voice actors and some filler Audio for it. Yay for help. Maybe a few more months for finished product. Thank you and good night.

14 June 2015


So I was drinking with some one, who is currently passed out, and I thought about it, not so clearly...
"Smiles" may becoming soon in that 3d software thing I got... Yay... Maybe....
Thank you and good nigut

12 June 2015


 We are in a drought as maybe a small amount of people may know. I lost my ram because of it. I know it was coming when he refused to hit my boot with his head over week ago.

Today it rained for nearly ten minutes. Now, if it rain for several hours or even days I would have been happier. It has been so long since it rained so much like it did when I first moved up here. People started to fill in ditches and build in them that their houses would be screwed. It would make me happy because of where I am located. I would be fine and people who moved out here in the past several years would be screwed.  Anyways, back to creating stain glass windows...

 Thank you and good night... Again...

between desires

So, about two years is what I have figured in before I may relocate to another state.
I have figured out most of this 3d software and I have no clue what to do with it. Not sure if I want to create something for a song I may never get or for something I want to make....
I made a mansion and a person it was awesome.
Thank you and good night.

01 June 2015

product displacement

So... Edison came by to fix a problem with a pole and took some pictures. The neighbors, who produce a certain product, grabbed it all and took off.

          A history of the house in question... When I first moved out here at age four, the man who owned the place was named Bob. He died and he gave it to someone else who was named Bob. (Real name I swear) who died and then skin heads purchased it and used it as a method lab. Then too many ethnicities and police started to come into the picture, they left and the place went into foreclosure. Some dealers purchased it. The smell of weed was strong, the only few years they were living there, but since the other neighbor (the one who has called the police for not letting him on my property) started his shit by trying to force me to move he forced the dealers to relocated or something. Well, he decided to blow a transformer, one in which was not a part of my own property and i though was funny and may end up in his end, which led to Edison fixing it and taking picture which led to the neighbors moving product and now the asshole neighbor's fight went from just one person to half the neighborhood (due to the area only includes 5 neighbors... again rural each house having 5 or more acres) meaning he'll be out soon hopefully.
recently learned he has no water or electricity and that his mom died a few days before he started this shit.


                 I am currently working on my next book and a game for people to download. It will be a shitty game once i come up with a proper idea for it. I stopped the animation since FMQ has not yet given me the music needed, though I may produce random animations for the fun of it. I have much video to go through and may end up on my YouTube page, though I have time I do want to have time for myself for drinking with people. I have downloaded 3d animation software so if I make something with that it will be published, I can guarantee it because the free software is better than the 700$ software I got for free or the 40$ software I paid for. (still learning how to use it.) Nothing has been painted since "calfaj" 1 or 2. Still have not gone to get the trailer to create my studio. Found out how much it would be to live in another state so been saving money to leave this crappy state. California is too costly, and the water restrictions are pissing me off. I have went to only one shower a week and cleaning my clothes once a month to try and preserve water. (though i will keep in touch with other assholes i like but do not associate with if need be) I would love to say that finally I have uncovered proof of aliens, which is not exactly true, but I want people to think it is. Anyways, working on a bunch of crap to try and increase my income with little result so far. I trying to do a lot without the money or degrees I need.
     Again, I only have degrees in psychology and criminal justice. Masters meaning I am a master.... Waste of money I swear because of the lack of success behind it. College sucks.... Joncjg, or however it is spelled, would understand. I read all his blogs and tweets (I'm a little drunk and not afraid to admit it). That guy, who's name I cannot remember, who burned his law degrees on YouTube would understand. Spending money on education for a good career seems to be faulty. Then I find out my brother could figure out what 87 divided by 3 is within seconds and yet he'll be stuck where I am. He's only 13 and he's smarter than 80% of the population of the people out here. Most of these people cannot read...
          I forgot what I was talking about.... So stuff and more stuff...
Thank you and good night.


Okay about my genetics and to explain my problems...
So, I have heard many people talk about being diabetic, which is somewhat of a problem I have.
I have hypoglycemia... (Just to clarify, hypoglycemia happens when you have low blood sugar levels, but I have that constantly.)  On normal non-hot days I eat candy like crazy, no chocolate I hate chocolate, and I'll eat so much more than normal humans. I would say, on average I would eat around 3 to 400,000 calories a day including drinks. When I hear someone say they have to have sugar which is why they are purchasing many candy bars and they weight over 200, it amazes me.
When it is too hot, I just cannot eat, I am not sure if I even feel hunger like others do. I know when I am hungry I feel nauseous and if I do not eat I throw up bile... I get upset easily when I do not eat for a while... Though I admit at times I forget to eat because I do not feel it, no sickness or anything.

People will read this and say "stop complaining you skinny bitch!" or " you're fine don't worry!" or whatever else is on mind when reading... Well try and think differently please....

Well, summer I usually lose around 5lbs due to the heat. I force myself to eat or something to try and and keep my weight...
Anyways my fears... I am afraid I'll be too skinny... I'm afraid men like me for only my breasts, I am afraid that I will end up with someone like my father...
Don't blame me for my genetics please understand I like my weight... I liked it when I figured out how to be 180 and yet now I feel like I am slipping to a too skinny weight...
I want to be average... At 155, and if it is hot like projected to be 113, then 140 due to not eating, it'll get worse...
There are people out there who understand, but for those who do not or say they understand and really do not... Well whatever....
Just trying to give a little about myself...
Thank you and good night.

31 May 2015


Ever had a movie you wanted to see but could not watch?
Well, I have. I admit some movies I try and watch online for free before buying, just like "Miss March"... Today I try and look for " Baseketball"... I have no clue if I like it or not, the reason why I look. I find myself still looking.  Because I try and post something weekly due to a feeling of being forced into it, I post that.
 Anyways, it is summer and we have a drought so, I only ate a BBQ pork sandwich... Lost 5lbs and yet, if it gets hotter than 102 degrees I may not eat anything... 140lbs is what I weigh, usually at the end of summer, and I hate it. 155lbs is good for me. Got my breasts and a body of weight people are afraid of. Mostly because I can lift 220 and leg press 375... I don't like looking like a weak person who can't toss a 200lb man...
If the temperature projected is correct, then 113  will make me wish I worked more, meaning all my artwork I do will come to a vault and that I may end up being a size 6.
Some people would love to have my problems, but not feeling hungry does suck and people do not understand. When I eat a lot I may not gain any weight, but when I just am not hungry and do not eat I lose around 5lbs a week and people think I have an eating problem calling me anorexic or blemic which hurts.
I'm certain people who do not have my problem do not understand my concerns about my weight. They may say "stop complaining at least you're skinny." Thing is, there is a thing as too skinny which I try not to get to and yet it seems I may end up like that which sucks.... New topic... New post...

23 May 2015

okay maybe

So the issue has been settled with the road situation. So far. Sunday getting the trailer to do something with... Recently acquired several lyrics and now I understand the  dilemma. FMQ is not sure what they're doing. I'm not sure what I am doing either so I understand... Will start posting more random art later on when i have time... Thank you and good night.

19 May 2015


So, I have been going around and filming random things. With the new instrumental I will aquire soon I hope, I will post yet another stupid video no one will ever really watch all the while telling the internet on my blog about it that no one ever reads all the while twittering about random crap just for sheer boredom. Thank you and good night.

18 May 2015

So Legality aside

Yeah, I was a little upset by the ranger's random visit yesterday, and yeah I will be going through civil matters about my property, in the mean time I will continue to try and not think about that while working on my art, I guess it is what it would be called. Planning on retrieving the trailer soon, having difficulties with such an item I should have picked up several months or so ago. Problem is getting tires, I could, I just don't have the money to waste yet. Anyways, Thank you and good night.

17 May 2015

BLM and the damn neighbor...

So, about a week ago while I was at work BLM decided to plow though my driveway and make a new road half way through my property.... So, as an attempt to keep bastards out of my property that I own (I OWN!!!) I put up some barriers.... Fucking neighbor comes to my house, demands I get rid of it because it is BLM land and I said it is my property let's go to court... He called the police on me who threatened to take my goats away if I do not open the road... The police do not understand they plowed it illegally while I was at work. Then because of my refusal to take it down ( I love my goats, I admit they may be tastey when they are old enough, I have an attitude problem) he calls a ranger who says it' s my land and is a civil matter.....

If it was not for my mommy telling me not to go against him for vengeance, his road three roads down would have been problimatic....

Anyways... Need to take the bastard to court over my land rights so any projects, other than the next book, will be delayed except for, quite possibly, video of this bastard and my land... I will call it a documentary on bastards who think they own every thing....

Fucking BLM... Fucking nieghbor who thinks he owns everything and those damn officers who think they can threaten me... I have the rightful documents for my goats. Let them try!

11 May 2015

omg again

Recently just got the lyrics and time frame of FMQ's song... Hope to not mess the animation up so badly... You see (or rather read) I had the idea of what the song was about so I started the animation, but now that I know the exact lyrics I will be able to finish it somewhat. Until the actual song comes out, I will not be able to finish it.

But I can add this update..... Still might be about two months because of lack of resources, but It will have music and what not. Yes. It will relate to a previous animation I have done. Too drunk to remember if I posted what it will be. I hope to do justice to the music but I know it will not live up to expectations. Luckily, I know people watch Youtube and wish they can do such videos rather than doing it themselves.

getting active

Okay... So, thing is I have a list of "get rich quick schemes" which have never involved the Internet, but  recently I have added new content to that list that does involve the Internet... You tube, publishing books, and so on, are not a part of this whole thing...
Anyways... I keep changing how the animation should flow and how it will end up and quite frankly, it means it may take more than a few weeks to complete. So Instead, I hope to at least finish episode one within a three months time. This means each season after, if no help from those I ask for it, will be within that time frame...

Thank you and good night... (will add more crap when I see an availability for it... I need cash for my house damnit.....)

05 May 2015

Artwork and colors

Colors and Stuff  A new video of mostly animation of colors and such. Finished two paintings. Anyways, thank you and good night...

new out look

I have been working on a new animation that might look awesome for people who are on drugs or something... All I know is that it is easier to craft the animation drunk than sober.. Anyways.... Uploading that soon with that song or instrumental stuff... Thank you and good night....

03 May 2015

new computer

I finally purchased a new computer... Well, more like a tablet with an attachable keyboard. Now, instead of using my kindle for all these little blog posts and what not, I can use this. Instead of using my art computer to post pictures, videos, stories and what not, I can use this.

Anyways, I have a small update... I have been creating books and publishing them using amazon, yes, I have been posting videos online on youtube, but now I am at the point where I am looking to create some extra income for myself. With a bit of courage, or rather random rantings from others, I have decided to try and sell some art work. I am hoping this will help pay off my house in a small way. I am also still working on that anime cartoon thing, which I am making out to be more complicated than it needs to be from all those anime things I have been watching. I am also working on my next book, and my real book which will be a novel on something I have to come up with. I am hoping that it will be published through a different publisher than Amazon. Anyways....

Thank you and good night.

30 April 2015

yay a book...

So, what I have been doing is publishing my second book which is "lol"...shot drunk tales. I'll post pictures later... I have been removing my thumb nail which is not "lol" and have been attempting anime. Any ways ... got hurt at work, almost got a new job but declined after I found out what the job details are, finally trying to get my kitty to sing after my older cat died... Oh, almost forgot, trying to keep the baby goose from attacking the baby turkeys.. thank you and good night...

12 April 2015

cannot draw

So, I have been attempting to draw anime... I have been told that a person's worst critique is usually themselves but.... I cannot draw anime. I can animate, I can paint and draw many different things, just not people. In due time, off I get drunk enough to get past my own worst drawings and do something, I will start the smiles episodes as I have been trying to. It may not be good but at least I did something besides manage a convenience store. My book, however, will not be published until I can get a better computer that will let me do so.

Dealing with new people at work who do not do anything sucks. Almost had him quit. I know his mommy stopped him from doing so.

Maybe I'll start off horrible and later and later become good or better at it. Still have 12 people who are willing to be voices... wish I had an artist who can draw people though....

Thank you and goodnight....

19 March 2015

current assessment of the situation

I've been thinking about lately. I hope to find my path by going to college outside of this state. I am also working on a way to publish my next book and my next animation. Somewhere down the line I'll be creating something stupid for people to not watch. Thank you and goodnight.

12 March 2015

stuck once more

Finished my second book... working on the third but I do need a new computer in order to upload the contents. So I have to decide if it would be worth buying a new computer or fixing my old one.

Working on a way to get the trailer, or rather trying to find time for it. Creating an office takes time which I do have but am not willing to use just yet. I've been feeling a little sick, and putting in over time and working six days a week makes me just want to sleep and rest on my days off.

One final detail. I have a small video to upload when I can. I gay baby ducks and chickens and sheep to show off.. they're so cute, just need to figure out my problem with the computer and it will work... that and my "alien" video... Lol.

Thank you and good night.

24 February 2015

towards the spring

I know stop putting is closer by than I had imagined when I have both baby ducks and sheep to look after. When I post the footage, don't look at them as just dinner, look at them as new life being brought into this world as I do... though they may be dinner soon... not my first goat, I love that goat...

17 February 2015

learned lessons so far

So what I have learned this week. Publishing short stories in journals and magazines is easy... trying to publish or rather learn how to publish a real novel is harder than I thought... running through all the ones who want to be paid upfront and then going through those who look at my work and say oh well is hard. I can write five thousand words and more in a day while sober, being drunk I write nearly ten, so when one book is finished and I send it in, no one wants it... So I go back to the Amazon thing witch has given me nothing...wish someone out there will like what I wrote....

learned lessons so far

So what I have learned this week. Publishing short stories in journals and magazines is easy... trying to publish or rather learn how to publish a real novel is harder than I thought... running through all the ones who want to be paid upfront and then going through those who look at my work and say oh well is hard. I can write five thousand words and more in a day while sober, being drunk I write nearly ten, so when one book is finished and I send it in, no one wants it... So I go back to the Amazon thing witch has given me nothing...wish someone out there will like what I wrote....

09 February 2015


Well, most recently I came to understand my issues.... I'm a drunk in a sense... Meaning I drink but not just anything, it has to be whiskey, the whiskey I like. Which is the meaning to my next book (have yet to publish it... still working on errors...) yeah I'm like that, mostly with names and titles...

So, I digress... tomorrow I start work with my office, I work on my car...next day I do taxes and then buy groceries and then some more work on the office and my car... publish My next book at sometime in that time frame... maybe work on lyrics for a instrumental my friend (if that friend is willing to sing, or to my bad voice if I am drunk enough for it) for the next animation I'll create... Anyways...

I forgot what this was supposed to be about, even though I've read it several times over....

Wrote the second book and started on the third... learning and understanding how this damn touch screen works...(To explain about this touch screen, it changes words on me.... instead of a simple word like "work" it keeps trying to put the word "with".... don't attempt using while drunk...just saying....) I don't like the new Windows, I will get an Apple product I think. Or  fix my computer.... not sure which is cheaper.. Anyways, need a new computer to post better crap...  or fix mine since mine is totally awesome......

Thank you and good night......

My touch screen doesn't have any USB port... fucking computer cannot understand the word "USB"... keeps trying to make it "sub"... miss my computer... hate Windows... kindle is good for stupid games and random books but not a lot...
. People wonder why I have four books... (kept trying to change the number to the word"for")... totally sucks.... can people not b able to spell? Seriously, new green sucks..... "Cray-Cray" the fuck man... . The fuck....

Oh and, still will not allow me to break these paragraphs like they should.....

03 February 2015


My next book is done, though the answers to which they are not publish may seem like just excuses .... my internet seems to not what communicate with me properly...or u may be too drunk to know how to use it correctly ....Anyways, will pull lush soon .....

01 February 2015

several computers

So, I use several computers for various different reasons add many who understand my plight might understand. Tried using my writing computer to record my voice, to did not work.... that computer decided not to find the applications needed for such an act... still finding out hard to type... Anyways, so I switched to the computer designed for animations... does not work. My computer for music works, though not my choice to just record random crap I say. Hoping all would hear what I sound like.... maybe when I am sober enough to use it yet drunk enough to not care hear it..... Lol.... well more updates later........

31 January 2015

New office

If all goes according to plan, sometime in the next month I will start working on building a new office space for myself. This is all thanks to the side work I have been doing along with a few donations made by my fellow peers at work. Really good friends too. Hopefully, the completion of this office will give way to new and better ideas and, quite possibly, the continued work of my animations and so on... Better yet, maybe using actual words rather than using instrumental music, though music with lyrics would be grand as well. Whatever it may be, I hope to expect more work to continue along the way. Will post pictures as the office develops. Anyways, or rather "l digress", my next book should be coming out within the next month as well. Hopefully it is much better than the last one, one in which people may actually read. With that being said, or written, hope to show more and expect more changes within these posts and my work along the way. Back to the topic, the office will be the tipping point allowing my fellow peers, friends, and so on to get in on this action as well. My voice actors who understand that I have no money to pay them with. They know I plan on paying them back with bad art and poetry. Thank you and good night.

28 January 2015

ah good

I have just finished my first draft of my book. It sucks when sober, but when I'm drunk, they are totally awesome. Now a book of sorry stories is much easier for me to work on than a full book with so many words and all those letters... though I will admit that it was fun being able to write and publish the first one, to understand who I really am is what my short stories are more about. You'll understand more if you ever read my crap I write... thank you and good night...

27 January 2015

Twitter and Facebook

So, been having trouble with the internet thing that everyone loves so much... stupid thing won't let me change my profile... well anyways, accidentally came up with the name for my next book, ask because I was too drunk to type... note... this is on a real computer and not some touch screen which changes my words all the time...

26 January 2015

yet another update within an hour

Yes. Tis I work yet another up up updates, anyways, just signed up for some sort of thing for money... I love trying to get money for my ultimate plan. If you have my Facebook and or Twitter info to learn my super secret ultimate old an to rule the world.... Anyways, thank you and good night.

not sure

I am not sure if I had access used certain words add the topic of the post so I say this to let you all know. I am afraid of the posts having the same name... Anyways up update number something or other... I have been writing a lot of crap only to find out I suck at it later. Wrote on Twitter, Twitter is not so great. Anyways. Forgot what I was saying. Ummmmmmmm...... update, yeah.... I wrote and am naturally complete at such a task so. Coming soon, my second book about random crap. Thank you...

25 January 2015

issues, yes i am crazy

Well, to start, I have insomnia. Okay so most do because of Facebook and games and whatever electronic crap there is. Anyways, I do not do drugs but I do drink once a week, I mean only Sundays if I think I can afford my whiskey, so when I do not drink I tend to have really vivid dreams in which I have to write in a dream journal. Yes, you two who are the only ones who reads this crap, you can laugh at my imperfections. Anyways, what I mean by vivid dreams, I mean I sleep walk. Basically because of a father figure and babysitters whom were unkind, I have trouble (I base this off of a master's degree in psychology) sleeping at night. I sleep walk, even woke up to me yelling and pounding on the door one... (I do have something to go with all this so bare with me) I write it all down. I wrote a new book that completely sucks... so I have no choice but to look over and rewrite. Anyways, my others I had crazy times about (if that makes sense) I have wrote about. So, I wrote, and wrote, and wrote for years. I am still writing as I find when I place all that craziness into one book. Short stories and poems is what my next book will be. Things that make no sense or differ in view.so far I have 17 thousand words on it and more to come. Will be like my last, but I will all you to tell people about it, and try to by a real copy incase something happens to digital...Thank you and good night

19 January 2015

online dating sites and stuff

So,I tried match.com and it kept giving me an error on my zip code. Either I wrote my zip code in wrong which is highly unlikely, or where I live does not exist. According to my job, it doesn't. So, there goes trying something new until I figure it out or someone outs me at work for my profile or something. 83 thousand words... that's how much I've written so far... none of which is in order. Anyways, I will publish something soon. Got to go now. Bye. And thank you.

18 January 2015

on my mind

I have been writing still, though I know that my first work sucks... Anyways, as I write I wonder if I'll be alone for the rest of my life. I watched my mother get hurt, well beaten, by my father, first person I wanted to be with wanted me to quit my job and live off the government with many children in the house. Second did not have a job or a car, lied about having both and a house and then I later found out they had nothing all the while living off their father who moved out of his own house to get away from his own child. Also had my grandfather look into the background, turns out that person was violent and had several dui's. Also, from the two months I was with them, they killed their dog and cat and blame me for it to make me feel like shit in hopes to get me back. They also sent pictures of their dead animals... Anyways, alone, upset, about to change careers, scared to death. I'm tired of waiting around for someone who would be different than most of these damn people. Why can't I find someone who is not living off of government assistance, who has a job and won't mind paying for dinner once in a while? Everyone who is interested in me seems to not have a job and is on some sort of government aid... I have never needed government aid, not do I wish to be on it. Most of them seem as though they never had a job before... it seems like the only one in my life is my cat and dog and they don't fill the purpose I need...almost desperat enough to try online dating... Lol. .. Anyways, the book. Yes... continuing on work trying not to think about my misery by writing more crap... news and updates later... oh, and maybe the animation and or a live action stupid video thing. Thank you and good night...

10 January 2015


I did not give up on whatever things I've been working on, I have not been working on them much due to certain things such as awful work hours, new games like dragon age and assassins creed and such. I do, however, finally have several volunteers to assist in certain things such as voices... I just hope they say yes once it is ready. With that as the only update in possibly months, unless I get drunk again and write myself a note again but accidentally publish it next time... Thank you and whatever.