25 January 2015

issues, yes i am crazy

Well, to start, I have insomnia. Okay so most do because of Facebook and games and whatever electronic crap there is. Anyways, I do not do drugs but I do drink once a week, I mean only Sundays if I think I can afford my whiskey, so when I do not drink I tend to have really vivid dreams in which I have to write in a dream journal. Yes, you two who are the only ones who reads this crap, you can laugh at my imperfections. Anyways, what I mean by vivid dreams, I mean I sleep walk. Basically because of a father figure and babysitters whom were unkind, I have trouble (I base this off of a master's degree in psychology) sleeping at night. I sleep walk, even woke up to me yelling and pounding on the door one... (I do have something to go with all this so bare with me) I write it all down. I wrote a new book that completely sucks... so I have no choice but to look over and rewrite. Anyways, my others I had crazy times about (if that makes sense) I have wrote about. So, I wrote, and wrote, and wrote for years. I am still writing as I find when I place all that craziness into one book. Short stories and poems is what my next book will be. Things that make no sense or differ in view.so far I have 17 thousand words on it and more to come. Will be like my last, but I will all you to tell people about it, and try to by a real copy incase something happens to digital...Thank you and good night

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