08 October 2015

butterfly fini

New vid..
 Will try and create more often than whenever I an lucid enough to remember to make one.

07 October 2015


I have learned a few things since I have turned a year older... Pizza rolls suck and all fruit is still tastiest of all... Secondly, being drunk does not work when making ananimation though it is still filled with much more fun. Thank you and good night.

05 October 2015

birthday today... huh

So far I colored my hair, went to the bar that only has three patrons.... Made a spaceship using my software.... More updates on Twitter of you like to know more.

04 October 2015

provisions and what not

Provisions: whiskey, cigarettes, gum, energy drinks

 Staying home watching red vesrses blue and playing halo online

 People showing up to Yay me drunk for my birthday... Awesome.... Thankyou..

1 day early and working on animation but as long as I do Not have to pay for drinks... It's awesome..

3.5 hours

In three and a half hours I will be on vacation... I currently have several simple animations to introduce to the world once the edit is complete and hopefully a preview of the "big" animation I have yet to start working on. So about 200 hours, if I do Not sleep or eat or anything else but the animation, of animation carp. As soon as work is over. So excited, I mean maybe I'll to out for a drink or two... Maybe binge a little... But I will work on something.

02 October 2015


So, in a few days I will be on vacation from work and will start with working on the 3D software once more now that is no longer above 100 degrees and my computer will not overheat.... So, anyways alien spaceship or something like that.

I have been doing concept art to try and see how to create it into the 3D software... Here is a spaceship I draw in nearly a while minute...

Yeah, it looked better in my head.

01 October 2015

blog post

I shall answer your question... Yes I do live under a rock only because it's cheaper than a real house...

Anyways... Been working on the big 3D project creating items for it... So far I have concept drawings of what I want except for the weapon... Each time I draw one, it keeps turning into a concept picture of an older rifle.