12 September 2014

Last minute Change

Yes a last minute change. Was able to put the video up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYjkvCR6qjI Had to change the name to Calfaj. Last minute decision when the person who named it find out that there is some sort of glass figurine place called casaj and did not want to be confused with that. I'm quite certain it was glass. Anyways CALFAJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYjkvCR6qjI and, well. I know most likely maybe three people will come across and watch half of it, and the other three 'views' will be people who accidently clicked the link. So, Have fun not watching this crap. if This looks hard to read or if at all bad to do so. Still need a new computer, all Walmart sells are those touch screen ipad things. I need something with a key board, so.... That and I've tried those Ipad things before, they break easily, in evry sense. People may tell me that's not true, but obviously they have never done what I have to computers.

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